Gorgias Automation Add-on Setup

Customers are becoming more savvy and expecting more out of their online shopping time. The Gorgias Automation add-on can improve the customer experience by giving them self-service access to answers right on your website without them having to ‘talk to an agent’. This can reduce email volume & increase customer satisfaction sentiments significantly. We will set up your add-on & integrate it with existing chat widgets so your customers can get real-time information related to their order tracking (WISMO), return status, or answers to other common questions.

What you can expect from us
  • Setup of your Gorgias Automation Add-on
  • Integrated with your chat widgets
  • Up to 4 quick responses in widget
  • Built in self-service statistics for tracking improvements in efficiency & CSAT
  • Delivered within 10 business days
  • One month of free on-demand access to our CXM team
What we need from you
About wrrk
wrrk helps hundreds of brands help millions of customers per year, with a team of USA-based Customer Support Operations experts.
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